Wednesday, 28 August 2013


We in Great Britain often boast about our country being tolerant and free, a country with equality and freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and equal rights for all, I disagree with this hypothesis.

When I look at Britain I fail to see what the masses see, instead I see a nation of conformists, I see a nation of sad drunks and drug addicts sitting in front of the TV drinking and working and drinking their lives away. I see a nation obsessed with over priced gadgets, football and reality TV, unfortunately reality TV is the only reality they are interested in. I see a nation that our masses stand by and watch as our sick government cut benefits for the sick, disabled and the poor, a nation that believes that people that do not take part in the system should not even to be allowed to eat. I see a nation that watches as our government destroy Iraq, Libya and next Syria, and we then have the nerve to call Muslims terrorists. A nation where the PRIME MINISTER is a known arms dealer and our monarchy have a history of oppression, slavery and war, yet we still worship them. I see a nation that claims to care for children, yet we stand by and watch as corporations like Tesco and Next exploit some of the poorest children in the world, with child labour and slavery, facts like this will not stop the masses from shopping at these sickening companies. I see corruption in the banks, the government, police and the media, I see a nation that is governed by money our politicians are puppets to the banks and corporations.

Poor people are punished and sometimes locked up for minor offences like possession of Cannabis, shop lifting, and not paying taxes when MPs over claim millions and bankers receive huge bonuses despite the banks being bailed out, MPs and bankers are obviously above the law in fact they are the law. The lifestyles of the western world has a negative impact on the lifestyles of many people around the world, but we don't care, we are to busy watching X factor.


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