Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Does this video prove that Youtube are fabricating viewing figures in a desperate attempt to hide the truth? Or does this video simply prove that Google are so shit that they are incapable of counting? Youtube have also refused to pay me the tens of thousands they owe me for my video views! Is that another desperate attempt by Google to cover up the truth?

The video below is the video that Google are refusing to count views on properly, Google also refusing a payout, despite owing me for 14 million views most of which have contained their irritating adverts without my permission instead of paying me they pay corporations that use false claims to CASH IN from other peoples work.

Sunday, 22 December 2013


OH NO the lower classes are calling the elite inbred, reptilian, scumbag parasites, these obscene extremists must not be allowed to voice their opinion on corporate slavery, corporate tax evasion, war for oil and the real terrorists of the world. How dare we be calling our masters war mongering, murdering liars that care more about profit than they do human rights.

How dare we accuse David Cameron of being a arms dealing, NHS destroying corporate puppet, How dare they sing ding dong the witch is dead upon hearing the news that an icon from the nasty party is dead. How dare they accuse the monarchy of being murderers and killing Princess Diana, how dare we accuse the monarchy of being a group of ridiculous, useless, inbred satanic gangsters. How dare we accuse Iain Duncan Smith of being a disabled hating, bald headed lunatic, he is as bad as a thief that deliberately targets the weak and the vulnerable in fact that is exactly what he is! How dare we accuse Boris Johnson of being barely capable of looking after his ridiculous hair let alone looking after a nation, if this man ever becomes prime minister Britain would surely be a third world country by the time he has finished. How dare we accuse George Osborne of being a silly little puppet with no power and no idea of what he doing, How dare I call George Osborne a rich simpleton, his education must of cost mummy and daddy a fortune. How dare I call the human rights hating, old hag resembling Theresa May the wicked witch of Westminster.

The government insist the internet must be censored at once to remove this controversial, but true information. What the stupid, rich, poncey and noncey Conservative party are too stupid to see is, by them censoring the web of this information they are proving people like me, David Icke, and Alex Jones and the many others right, they do not care for freedom of speech, human rights, child slavery, poverty and corporate misbehaviour they care only for profit.

It also proves that they are scared! I am sorry for being so scary to the elite, I am like a huge monster and they are like scared little kittens "oh no, here's WOLVOMAN80 Dave, stop him talking about our corruption, hide his videos to the very back of Youtube and get that skinny little freak Zuckerberg to hide his scary Facebook posts and prevent them from being read"

Is that all they got? The ever powerful ILLUMINATI are running scared from a little nobody like me? Do you know what this means? THE ILLUMINATI AIN'T SHIT, THEY ARE WEAK, SCARED PUSSY CATS, They have no power they just like to make it look to us that they do.


Saturday, 21 December 2013

Conservative party are to block "Extremist websites"

 When Paul Goggins, a Labour Party member of parliament, asked what Cameron plans to do regarding a warning from the Security Service about “Islamist extremism,” Cameron replied that one of the steps the U.K. is taking is blocking websites.  “We have had repeated meetings of the extremism task force – it met again yesterday – setting out a whole series of steps that we will take to counter the extremist narrative, including by blocking online site,” Cameron said before praising Facebook for removing videos of a beheading. “We will take all these steps and many more to keep our country safe.”
So David Cameron wants to block Extremist websites, websites that he claims are a threat to our national security. The trouble is David Cameron is the leader of an extremist government, a government that believe in corporate child slavery, poverty, work for benefits and murder for oil and profit. We have an extremist government that attacks the sick and disabled with sick benefit cuts, humiliating work programs telling people that they are protecting the country by censoring the web of the corruption of themselves and many multinational corporations.
If "extremist" websites are to be censored, which they already are the conservative governments website should be the first one censored, and Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a weak little geek that got lucky by stealing a friends idea, of coarse David Cameron is going to praise Mark Zuckerberg they are a couple of snake eyed weaklings they would not survive for five minutes in the ghettos they are creating. 

Monday, 9 December 2013


I am what newspapers like the Daily mail, the Daily express and the Sun call vile scum, I am unemployed and have been for over two years now and I have four kids, what a disgrace to the Great British society I are.

It was not always like that, once upon a time I had ambitions and goals, I was always in work and I helped run two building businesses, once upon a time I had more money then sense, then something happened to me.

I watched my ill hard working parents health deteriorate, I watched them lose everything they had worked for, I watched as millionaire corporations we did business with took advantage of the situation, they withheld payments and to this day they owe my parents a fortune. I watched them get ripped off with health insurance and by Lloyds TSB, I watched the mortgage company charge my parents £2500 per month in interest alone because they were "high risk." I watched the courts evict my parents making them homeless, without even taking the ridiculous interest rates in account.

That's not all, at the time this was going on the banks were taking £200 to £300 per week from my girlfriends account, the worst bank charge ever was when Nationwide building society charge us £20 for being 50 pence short of paying a £10 bill, by charging us they had put us overdrawn by £9.50 and the account was not allowed to be overdrawn so they charged her £30 for being overdrawn leaving us £39.50 overdrawn, I also had a small £6 debit set up, which we missed due to Nationwide clearing our account, another £20 charge, we are now £59.50 overdrawn, how do we pay bills next week?

I am unemployed but not lazy, I make videos, videos that get millions of views all over the world, 14 million on just my main Youtube channel plus the hundreds of uploads on Youtube and other sites uploaded by other people, most of these views have adverts on them without my permission, Youtube are latest the vultures in a long list of legal robberies.

Before telling me to get a job can I have what I am owed from the tax evading Youtube please? after all if Google do pay up I can come off benefits and therefore stop being a burden to the Great British society! Youtube would rather pay other corporations for it, so far I have not received a penny from my 14 million views. Can my parents have some of the massive sum of money that they have had robbed from them by corporations, banks and mortgage companies? Before telling me to find work and come off benefits, what about the £5000 Nationwide building illegally stole from my girlfriends account?

I have three meetings with the Jobcentre before Christmas, in these meetings I will have to explain why I am still on benefits, its like I am begging for money, I would love to tell them to FUCK OFF but I have kids to feed. I am still on benefits because the tax evading, privacy destroying Google are withholding payments to me, its a shame the mainstream corporate media and the easily led masses do not complain, moan and attack the corruption of our tax evading, rip off corporations the same way they attack, moan and complain about "benefit scroungers" if they did they corporations would not get away with this greed and corruption the way they do.

I may be a "benefit scrounger" but I pay more in to this fucked up system then most people do, so before telling me to get a job, GIVE ME WHAT I AM OWED.

Thursday, 28 November 2013


To say that England is expensive is a bit of a understatement, its like saying hell is warm, living in England is not expensive, its a fucking RIP OFF, Income tax, VAT, National insurance, high petrol prices, high food prices, even our water is expensive and sold to us by corporations. Is it just me or is anyone else sick of being ripped off?

My family were ripped off by millionaire corporations when we were in business, corporations like Persimmon home and Taylor Woodrow, my parents were then taken ill and then ripped off by the health insurance they purchased from Lloyds TSB, they thought they were protected, unfortunately for them they were not! as if that is not enough they were then ripped off again by the bank costing them nearly £80000. By know they are both ill and my mom was blind but that does not stop Mortgages PLC from giving them ridiculous advice and later charging them £64000 of which £54000 was interest in 18 months.

Then we have bank charges of up to £200 per week and phone bills, recently I was charged 50 pence per minute by my mobile phone company for phoning a "free number, 0800". When I first had broadband connected in 2007 it was costing me £10 per month now its £30 per month, granted the connection is faster but all that does is allow adverts on every page, in 2007 we did not need super fast broadband because internet pages had less adverts, therefore there was less information for the computer to load.

Recently I have been ripped off by Youtube, they first show that they owe me $12000 the week before they are due to pay they clear my estimated earnings to 34 cents, that's for 14 million Youtube views along with adverts before the video, at the bottom of the screen and on the side bar, due to false claims by companies like BBC, News corp and others.

Gas and energy are ridiculously high, there is one thing in Britain that does not go up as fast as our food and petrol prices do, and that is our wages. No wonder they call Britain rip off Britain, the most concerning thing is they do all this for ONE SIMPLE REASON.

That reason is to protect the super rich and the corporations they own! they allow corporations and the super rich to carry on making huge profit, avoid paying tax, receive cheaper or even free labor and effectively slave us! Its time to stop this sick government before they are literally charging us to breathe and cutting off peoples air supply for not keeping up with payments.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Yesterday I received a bill from Severn Trent Water, I was shocked to see my bill was £800, so I phoned them. Little did I know when I signed for my last property that the whole street waste and sewage run through our back garden, and I did not even notice until one day when I step outside and our garden it full of waste, waste from the street and from the pub that was 5 doors away from me. It was a mess, the garden stank all the time and I had three children at the time, Severn Trent did clean it up but It was not long before the smell began to come back, because of this we decided to move house and I refused to pay the bill for the water.

I hear nothing from Severn Trent until yesterday the 25th November, I receive a bill for a shocking £800, I ask for a break down of my bill, how is my bill £800? they want £400 for my old property despite flooding my garden with sewage from the whole street, they also wanted £400 for the last 7 months! How do Severn Trent water justify charging that, what about people that can not afford it? Are they not allowed to drink or wash?

I tell the I am not paying that for my disgusting tap water, the water is wrank and water supply is an essential and therefore should be free and covered in the ridiculously high taxes we pay. What next? They will be charging us to breathe.

Who are Severn Trent to charge such extortionate prices for water? Its another example of rip off conformist Britain. The government come on TV tell us Severn Trent now own Britain's water supply and no one even questions it, everyone's OK with that.

Britain's water supply was never owned by the government for the government to sell it in the first place, what kind of stupid government sell their water supply? The same kind of government that only care about one thing, money. I believe the time has come to stop paying Severn Trent, I believe that our taxes could easily cover the cost of maintaining Britain's water supply and sewage systems, after all our taxes cover David Cameron's and other politicians second homes and the ridiculous monarchy, surely free water to the masses is a bigger priority.

Monday, 25 November 2013


Conspiracy theorists are very often labeled as paranoid lunatics, radicals and dangerous trouble makers that are a threat to national security. There is not doubt that conspiracy theorists are sometimes paranoid, the explanation to why they are paranoid is simple, we are brainwashed by teachers, television, newspapers and the government in to thinking our countries are the hero's, fighting for freedom world wide, defending the world from oppressive governments, criminals and evil dictators.

What a shock we have when or if we discover that our government are not the heroic freedom fighters the media portrays us to be. Most people stay in the fake world of propaganda, propaganda on the news in our papers and even in our movies, these people are perfect, that's how they want the masses. Some people however do start to question things and look for answers, questions like, do we really need kill hundreds of thousands Iraqi's? Why do we always fight wars that are profitable? Why are certain individuals richer than certain nations? Are we really the brave heroic freedom fighters the media, entertainment industry and government hype us up to be?

When we start looking for answers and we see that we are not only not the heroic freedom fighters we are portrayed to be, but we are in fact represented by greedy, corrupt politicians that are controlled by lobbying, profit and the corporate media. Once you have seen that our government are capable of mass murder for profit and we are not the freedom fighters that we thought they were, its obviously going to make "conspiracy theorists" question everything, this can be interpreted by the ignorant as paranoia but realistically its more a lack of trust brought on by the greed, lies and corruption of our politicians and the poverty and oppression we witness every day.

That explains why some conspiracy theorists are paranoid, now what about the paranoia of our government and corporate media, paranoia like "Saddam Hussein has WMDs!" and "Al-Qaeda have homes built in the mountains of Afghanistan" and "terrorist use C.O.D to plan real attacks" who are the mental, paranoid, lunatics now?

The government and corporate media are so paranoid they believe that huge amounts of people on incapacity are pretending to be ill in order to rip the government off, they spy on us when we use Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and search the web, they want to know about every penny we earn, where we work, what we watch, download and listen to, because no matter what we watch, download and listen to, they must know, they must be paid, either we buy the product or we watch them try to sell use an alternative product with there adverts that are taking over Youtube and the rest of internet. They employ spies like MI5, FBI and CIA and spy on there own people

They censor the web of information that shows them for what they are, this censorship is caused through the paranoia and the fear of the establishment, the establishment fear that they may lose their wealth, power, control and protection, is that the cause of the PARANOIA OF THE GOVERNMENT?

Saturday, 23 November 2013


The DWP or the department of work and pensions are the people that control the job center, they are there to "help the unemployed get back into work" They look after the unemployed, the sick, the disabled and sometimes the lazy unfortunately they do not do a good job, that's why the use of food bank and similar charities have sky rocketed in Britain, that's why the sick and disabled are being forced to take jobs that they should not be expected to take. A cyber attack from a DWP office taken my website down back in February 2013.

I am unemployed and therefore a customer of the DWP! And I have many criticisms of them, criticisms like why am I seeing blind people and wheel chair bound people in the job center? Do the DWP get satisfaction out of watching disabled people literally beg for their money? criticisms like they demand I get a job in order to get off benefits and stop burdening Britain's society with mine and my families need to eat and to have shelter, but they then cyber attack my website bringing it down. My website was only running for a few months and was already getting tens of thousands hits per day and was well on the way of being a potential money maker, therefore I could come off benefits, like they want me to.

Another criticism I have is why are the DWP so obsessed with the useless Direct Gov Universal Job match website? Every adviser in every meeting, every time I go in there they talking about Universal Job match like its the best thing since sliced bread, NEWS FLASH FOR THE DWP, Direct Gov's Universal Job match website is USELESS.

When I very first logged into Universal Job match and done a search I got literally thousands of jobs up, I thought I am guaranteed to find a decent job on here. I start looking for jobs, Universal Job match keeps records of the jobs that you have applied for, unless that job takes you to a different website from a business that "requires personal details" from you in order for you to apply for the job.

At first I did not mind giving these companies my details, after all I am applying for a job. I give a few companies my details, no replies, I give a few more, still no replies, so I give more details out to more businesses still get no replies. The most frustrating thing is the businesses I applied for jobs with months ago are still advertising on Universal Job match.

An adviser told me "Universal Job match is guaranteed to be 100% secure, they will not share your details and its a completely trustworthy site" to which I laughed. Universal Job match is a scam. The site was developed by Monster, at a cost of over £17 million and annual running charges of £6 Million, How does it cost that? The government want us on there to make themselves and the useless, expensive, rip off website look good, but anyone that has used for a period of time will know the website is a waste of money, they should be spending that money on looking after the sick and disabled and fighting poverty, not spending it on useless websites made by super rich corporation's.

Thursday, 21 November 2013


This is a re print as the original post was taken down, this blog was written in 2012.

Stan Long is a 75 year old man from Wolverhampton, he has recently been locked up for posting Youtube videos complaining about Wolverhampton city council, the biased full of bullshit and propaganda Express and Star claim Stan Long was ranting about Wolverhampton City council on the internet and that he had started a campaign of abuse at a local taxi  firm.  Representing himself Long admitted five offences of harassment or breach of a restraining order on conviction and another charge of committing an offence during the operational period of a suspended sentence. Long said: “You’re making me out to be the guilty party when I am the victim. They’re all crooks. I keep telling you it’s them who should be here not me.” So Britain is now the sort of country that arrests and prisons innocent pensioners that lived through World War 2 for merely speaking their opinion?

District Judge Mr Graham Wilkinson jailed Long for two months and ordered him to pay £85 in costs. He told Long: “I am aware that you are representing yourself and that no solicitor will dare represent you through fear they will become the next target. While you have been attending your meetings with probation you have used these sessions to continue your rants. Judge Mr Graham Wilkinson should be truly ashamed of himself!

Stan Long’s videos have got about 300 views on Youtube so far, Wolverhampton city council waste millions on a bus station that is still boarded up in parts, they drive around with CCTV on their cars spying on people, Wolverhampton has among the worst schools in England and they leave Wolverhampton looking like a absolute dump in places but we can not complain about it? SHAME ON WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL,  they have just proven what sleazy scum bags they are,  THEY LOCK PENSIONERS UP FOR SPEAKING THEIR MINDS. AND SHAME ON THE CORRUPT EXPRESS AND STAR for the propaganda and BULLSHIT they print.

This is Stan Long's YOUTBE CHANNEL, though I believe the videos that got him in to trouble have gone!

Internet censorship will █████████ █ ██████ ███

There █████ █ ████ is ███ █ no █████ █ ████ conspiracy █ █████████ █ ████ everything ███ █████ is█████ ████ ████ fine ████ ███ ██████ trust ███ ██████ ███ your █████ ████ government.

 Facebook █████ ███ █ is █████████ █ ██████ ███ a brilliant ████ ███ ██████ ███ website █████ ████ and  ████ ███ ██████ facebook █████ ████ believes in █████ █ ████ ███ freedom of speech. ███ facebook!

Follow me on my censored Facebook page

Or subscribe to my CENSORED Youtube channel

Monday, 18 November 2013

Fuck Facebook and Youtube. By Wolvoman80

I made this video because I have serious issues with the way Facebook and Youtube/Google do business. Youtube owe me for 14 million video views most of which they have placed their bullshit ads on, with no permission from me and none of the profit paid my way instead they pay BBC, Sony and News corporation for my video views due to false copyright claims, whats more Youtube are nearly impossible to contact over the internet, instead I have to write them a letter. 

Facebook do not only not count my likes anymore they have also stopped my posts from spreading and even remove my fans, I am also aware of other pages having the same problem. 


Sunday, 17 November 2013


Recently my estimated Youtube estimated earnings were showing nearly $13000, not much for 3 years work and over 14 million views, most of which have had ads on the side bars at the bottom of the picture and adverts ranging from 10 seconds to over one minute in front of the video, adverts Google will be paid for, $13000 is not great but it is a start, its something to show for the hours that I have sat at this computer researching and putting information together.

Two days later I log in to my Youtube account to access the money I have earned, its gone, my estimated earnings now show 0.64 cents! I attempt to contact Google, I find a Youtube contact email, and send my questions.

The next I day receive an email, message failed I send it again and try to find other ways of contacting Youtube or Google, after literally hours of looking through Youtube troubleshooting pages, answering questionnaires, searching the internet and even a desperate phone call to Google Adwords I get no where.

I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to contact Google over the internet, I believe that it would be easier to contact the dead then what it is Google. Why is it so hard to contact Google or Youtube? The only way left for me to try is a letter to their head office, Google own Gmail, Youtube, control a massive proportion of the internet and are supposed to be leader in the technological world, yet the only way to contact them is a letter, what do they think it is the 1800s? Its just an easy way for Google and Youtube to completely ignore peoples complaints and problems.

Complaints like Youtube paying sick, greedy corporations for views and adverts used on my videos, Sony, BBC, News Corporation and Hearst Corporation have all profited and sometimes even taken down videos that I have made, I am aware that these companies are due some payment, for some clips I have used but surely not all of it, apparently I am allowed none of it, I have 4 kids and I am currently unemployed and on benefits, I am owed money from billionaire corporations, but that will not stop the Department of Work and pensions (who's offices attacked my website earlier on in the year, leading to my website having to be taken down)  from pressuring me from taken a shit job at a warehouse for no more money then my benefits.

One month later my earnings are now showing $3.22.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


What qualification's does some one need to become a judge? They must understand the law and the British legal and justice system, which I am pretty sure nobody in the world does understand, and that's it! Judging by some of the sentences given by British courts, judges do not need to be compassionate, understanding people. They feel no way in locking people up not thinking about their families, these highly paid judges must think they are something special. High Court judges take home a salary of about £172,000 with a generous pension too, how can these judges, judge people that in most cases have nothing, throw them in prison, rip apart families when these highly paid, comfortable living judges have no idea about life for people that live in these oppressed areas.

We claim alcohol addiction is an illness and we treat them, same with any addiction food, chocolate and even gambling yet when drug addicts are caught with drugs we lock them up, and not just for a few months but for years!

I have seen cases in what someone has been sentenced for a soft two years for a stabbing yet I have seen drug addicts sentenced for over 4 years for possession, where is the sense and fairness in that? These judges should also consider that in many cases these people are from poor backgrounds and they sometimes have children, locking them up does not help anybody, these people would not commit these crimes if they were on a quarter of a yearly judges wage, surely that fact alone makes judges unfit and unable to judge.

It seems to me our governments so called "war on drugs" is just another excuse to harass people, that most of the time do not deserve the harassment.

These judges lock people up and break up families yet they never address the real problem, our government claim that not enough dads are there for their children, well they can't be there for children if they are in prison.

Why do these judges never address issues like poverty, desperation and other issues, for example if the government stop a mans benefits they are surely pushing that man towards crime, its illegal to work for cash in hand with out declaring what you have earned, so no matter what he does he will be breaking the law, unless he is fortunate enough to find a real job that would just about break even with his benefits.

I am not anti prison, rapists, murders and anyone that goes out to hurt some one should be punished, but possession of drugs? David Cameron, Boris Johnson and George Osborne have all used Cocaine.

Only God can judge us.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Fuck the system. Wolvoman80

Fuck the music industry, corporate greed, the education system, war on terror, David Cameron, Barrack Obama, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Theresa May's attacks on human rights, News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, Tesco, Walmart, Nike, Sony, Apple, slavery, and oil wars, cannabis laws, banks, financial ombudsman service, Mortgages PLC Glasgow, the ILLUMINATI, NEW WORLD ORDER, hypocrisy, government lies, Nick Clegg, BBC, CNN PROPAGANDA, child labour, work for benefits, workfare, corporate tax evasion and avoidance. 2013 DOCUMENTARY BY WOLVOMAN80 Volume 2 coming in 2014 FUCK THE SYSTEM AND SHARE THIS VIDEO

Monday, 7 October 2013


In July I started a online shop selling my videos as downloads, I started this shop because I am fed up with Youtube removing my videos, advertising on them and not paying me a penny and blocking them in certain countries, even though the public domain and fair use laws mean that Youtube have no legal right to remove the videos, nor any other vulture like corporation like Sony or BBC have right to profit fro them, but the fact they are breaking or at least bending the law does not stop them from claiming rights and therefore profiting from the adverts shown on my Youtube videos.

Upon setting up the download, I have to give the new shop m Paypal details in order to receive payments, so I do and the shop is set up. A few weeks I logged in to the account to see how my sales are doing, to my surprise I have not sold one download, disappointing, my products have thousands of views but NO SALES. I log out and share the shop on Facebook, Youtube and other sources.

The other day I receive an email telling me that they were not allowed to by the downloads, he informs me that the download simply goes on  to a blank screen, I log in to the shop and once again thousands of views NO SALES! I contacted Sellfy, "the company I sell downloads through" and they inform me my Paypal is not working.

I try to log in to my Paypal, I can not get in. I contact Paypal helpline, They inform me that is has been down since 7th July! I ask why and to my amazement it was because my account was 0.01 pence overdrawn! I transfer the money from my bank to Paypal, end of problem you would think not for me, Paypal inform me that my account will be on in four hours, its was 10.00 so I wait until 14.00 still can not log in, I phone them again they then tell me it will definitely be on by 18.00, so again I wait until 19.30 and try to log in and still no good, I try again at 23.00 and still can not get in, I can not phone them as the lines close at 17.30 so I will have to wait.

Despite the fact that Paypal have been losing me sales/money for months, they still have not fixed the problem, I am signing on looking for a job, with just about enough money to feed and house four children when Paypal literally stop me from selling my product and according to them all because I owe them a penny!

Friday, 4 October 2013


The Job centre in Britain is notoriously useless at finding people work or long time employment (unless you want to work for benefits or minimum wage for a billion pound corporation that does not pay tax) in that case the job centre is the place to be, so when I went to the Job centre today I did not except much help, for if they were to help today it would be the first time in living memory that they have been any help.

I walk in the job centre and take a seat they are 9 minutes late calling me out, which I don't mind at all apart from the job centre regularly warn me to be five minutes early for their meetings, which I always are, they can waste our time but we cannot waste their time and if we do "we risk missing appointments and losing our benefits".

I take my seat and the interview begins, I tell the interviewer about the Department of work and pensions taking down my website with illegal cyber attacks, "how is that stopping you getting a job?" the interviewer asks, to which I tell the truth, I sell DVDs and ebooks using my website for advertising, and selling a small but growing amount, until the cyber attack finished my website off, I did get the website running after the attacks using a different server, but the website lost its places on the Google search engine, it lost at least 95% of its traffic making the website financially impossible to maintain. As I excepted he did not want to talk about that.

Later in the interview he tells me to apply for at least 10 jobs per week! I explain that I claim for 4 kids to find jobs that pay enough to support 4 kids is not easy, I also explain that I am pursuing tens of thousands that Lloyds TSB taken from our family business in 2006, plus tens of thousands more that my family were ripped off when they were taken ill and had to finish the business, again not to my surprise he is not interested. I tell him to find me 10 jobs on his computer for me to apply for, he does not want to do that, I tell him to do a BOC or a better of calculation so I have a idea about what jobs are worth applying for, he does not do that, instead he threatens me with community service and benefit sanctions, what are they going to do? make me and my family homeless and starve us death? and then they call people scum when they turn to crime, the government are the real scum here.

I ask him the question, do you work for people are the government? he answers "the government pay my wage" to which I reply "the taxpayer pays the government" the cheeky prick then says "you are not a tax payer" by now I am pretty fuming and I tell him the truth, when my family was in business we had between 30 and 90 skilled workers on our books, my family business that I worked for, for ten years have paid more tax in that ten years then he will pay in his whole life, If I claim benefits for the rest of my life I would not see the money that our business in taxes. Not to mention money that the bank illegally taken from our business accounts, our business and many businesses like us were bailing out banks years before the tax payer bailed them out.

He then announces (and I do not know how true it is as the job centre feel no way in lying and trying to scare people) that Wolverhampton is the first place in Britain to start making the unemployed do community service (with a new name) to receive their benefit.

Much to his anger I tell him that I have recorded the conversation, that's illegal he cries as their are CCTV all over the job centre, I will upload the full conversation to Youtube later and that is my advice, record your conversations with the job centre, they don't like it and it protects you when they lie threaten you with benefit sanctions.


Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Today David "I am on holiday" Cameron announced plans for benefit payouts to under 25s to be stopped! 

  • 1.09 million people under the age of 25 are not in education, training or employment
  • 410,000 are claming Jobseeker's Allowance, at a cost of about £1.2bn a year
  • 380,000 under-25s receive housing benefit, costing £1.8bn
So David Cameron wants to stop benefits to over one million young people? And also stop housing benefit for 380,000 more? This coming from a man that has £30 million in his bank and still claims for a second home, his children will never have to claim these benefits, this coming from a man that has already cut sickness benefits, child benefit, the NHS, this coming from a man that a few weeks ago was insisting that he wants "help the Syrian people from their oppressive government" considering David Cameron has such a small inbreed looking, shapeshifting mouth he has no problem in spewing heaps and heaps of shit from it.

Why don't Cameron just come out and explain what these cuts are really all about, they are not about cutting Britain's deficit, the cuts he has done and the cuts he plans for the future are about a small group of rich, powerful people want to avoid paying taxes. These people expect our youth to work for minimum wage and pay between 20% and 25% tax, when the upper classes, corporations, banks and monarchies make billions from child labour, slavery, exploitation and profiteering and pay as little as 0% and as much as 5% tax.

On top of this we have Theresa May or as I prefer to call her the wicked witch of Westminster, fights to scrap article 8 of the Human Rights Act, really? lets look at that law.

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.  

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. 

Why would axing that law be beneficial to the people that live in this country? and how can the wicked witch of Westminster justify axing that law, one thing is for sure she will have the bulk of the mainstream propaganda filled media behind her and they will use Abu Qatada as an excuse for to axe this law. If we start ignoring one human right law its only a matter of time before we start ignoring all human right laws.

Theresa May should do her country a favour and keep her nasty, hate filled, old hag hands off human right laws and get back to doing what she does best, which is riding broomsticks in the sky and scaring the shit out of children, I mean she makes Margret Thatcher look like Dorothy. No offence. 

I apologize for the rather disgusting images in this blog.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


The corporations that control the internet have all started a FULL BLOWN attack on my videos, blogs and posts, The slimy, pervert spy Mark Zuckerberg and his corporation Facebook have not counted a new like on my Facebook for weeks, despite the fact I know at least one person that has attempted to like my wolvoman80 page,  but Facebook do not wish you to like it, sorry. Recently the reach of my posts has fallen dramatically, from tens of thousands to not even hundreds, when I post on Facebook it tends not to appear on peoples homepages anymore, I know this because I use friends accounts and my own "secret accounts to check.

Google and Youtube are owned by the inbred looking, lobbying Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google and Youtube have hidden my videos, you will find them if you search them by their exact title but that's the only way. They will not show on suggested or related videos. The problem seems to have started since I made my new series "FUCK THE SYSTEM"

This graph shows the amount of clicks that my Youtube channel receives from suggested videos, the graph proves that from June 2013 Youtube have been removing my videos from the suggested video side bar and making my videos almost impossible to find.

Are Google, Facebook and Amazon all afraid of people watching my videos reading my blogs and viewing my posts? or are they merely puppets being blackmailed or financial rewarded for censoring posts that criticize certain corporations and governments? Why would they do this? Only one answer to that, and that is because they want to hide the corruption of our government, a government that allows these corporations to avoid paying tax, a government that pays these corporations for information on its users and a government that are losing control. If the system changes these greedy corporations tax bills may go up, or even worse these tax evading billionaires could end up in prison, where they belong. 


To be a corporate whore or not to be a corporate whore, that is the question for Ed Miliband and the Labour party. Although to most people this seems easy to say not to be a corporate whore Ed Miliband and the Labour party know that if they do not bow down to corporations and the corporate media they will be attacked by almost ALL media in Britain and this could cost them the election and allow the conservative party another 5 years in power. If the Labour party do bow down to the corporate media in order to gain the support from them Ed Miliband will become another puppet of the corporate media and we will end up with a Labour similar to Tony Blair's new Labour, they will be more conservative then Labour.

Ed Miliband claims he wants to bring back socialism to Great Britain, the corporate media, the banks and the corporations will not want to bring back socialism or anything like it to Britain because if they do the corporate media, the banks and the corporations are going to lose money and power. Another question is how can Great Britain be a socialist and have a hierarchy and hereditary monarchy? Surely a hierarchy and hereditary monarchies are anti socialist aren't they? So Ed Miliband will probably never bring socialism to Britain, unless he is willing to do what no high powered politician would ever do and question the role of the monarchy in Britain and upset the corporate media, the banks and the super rich.

Labour became embroiled in a row after the shadow immigration minister, Chris Bryant, told newspapers that he would criticize Tesco and Next for favouring foreign workers over Britons. But just hours before he was due to give a keynote speech, Bryant was forced to retreat from his case and later stated Tesco and Next firms actually "often go the extra mile" to employ British workers, but can find it difficult to get local staff. Is this one of the first times that Ed Miliband's Labour have opted for the corporate whore option? look like it to me.Why are they so scared to criticize Tesco and Next? And why not mention the fact that these companies pay lame wages, in dead end jobs and get cheap labour through work for benefit schemes like workfare? Why don't Labour man up and attack the fact these corporations that make billions every year use child labour and pay as little as 7 pence per hour?

Do Labour really think that people are going to vote them when they are clearly scared to upset tax evading corporations? Labour need to "grow a pair" and not be afraid to upset and criticize the corporations, corporate media and the bankers, the scumbag disabled attacking, racist royal and Tory propaganda filled Daily mail reported that Ed Miliband's dad hated Britain, they went with the headline. The man who hated Britain: Red Ed's pledge to bring back socialism is a homage to his Marxist father. So what did Miliband Snr really believe in? The answer should disturb everyone who loves this country.

Nothing more then the usual fear mongering, Tory propaganda that the racist, snobbish, hate filled Daily mail spew at us on a daily basis, Ed Miliband has to forget about impressing the corporate media. In fact the more the corporate media attack him the better, as long as the people in Great Britain are not so stupid they can not see that this is nothing more then CORPORATE PROPAGANDA.

Monday, 30 September 2013


George Osborne day announced plans to force long term unemployed people to do community service or risk losing their benefits! Community service is and has been used as a punishment for criminals in Britain for many years, meaning George Osborne and the Conservative party obviously believe that the unemployed are as bad as criminals? but surely still nowhere near as bad as Tories.

What do our government want people to do for their already measly benefits? measly benefits I hear the God save the queeners, Sun readers and conformists shouting with anger in their ignorant and loud voices, but people should remember that benefits are as low as £59 per week for some people, what are the government going to do? starve them to death for not doing community service? And to the God save the queeners, Sun readers and conformists that are angry about these benefits and feeling that people are living lives of luxury from benefits, why don't you quit your jobs and live that "life of luxury" if its so easy? Didn't think so, well STFU then.

Just because people either do not want or are not capable of fitting in to your oppressive, corrupt, aristocratic, imperialistic system does not mean they deserve to starve or not be able to provide decent homes and food for their families. If our government was doing their jobs properly they would be pressuring billion pound corporations like Google, Amazon, Vodafone and the many others for the huge tax bills that these corporations owe, that is what these changes to the benefit system is really about.

Our government are not chasing these tax bills simply because these tax bills are owed to them by the super rich, the puppet masters. Our government are so weak and scared of upsetting these people that they go after the weak, the sick, the poor and the disabled instead, like a bully in the school playground they are scared to fight someone their own size.


PWTFU before we have a fully and legally censored internet and media because the day that happens is the same day we lose our freedom. Information is power and by censoring the internet we are allowing our government to take power from the masses. Even with a uncensored internet corporations are controlling our politicians/governments, not paying tax, fighting wars for profit/oil and propagating agenda that only suit a very small amount of greedy, already rich people/corporations. With a censored internet we would not even know that scandals like this are going on.

PWTFU before David Cameron's puppet masters own and make profit from the NHS and poor people can not afford basic treatment when the elite and the Monarchies live so long that they are walking around looking like some NAZI ZOMBIE from C.O.D.

PWTFU before we have a full blown police state, secret courts, ID cards and eventually even a micro-chipped population.

PWTFU before vaccinations become compulsory and it becomes law to inject your children with chemicals and cells from aborted fetuses, LIST OF VACCINE INGREDIENTS FOLLOW LINK

PWTFU upper class idiots like David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson do not have any idea on real life issues, they have more money than sense and they were born with silver spoons in their mouths. They live in a fantasy world of money, Eton, drugs, corruption, and whoring themselves to the corporations that got them into power in the first place.

Friday, 27 September 2013


Most people do not believe in or even know anything about the Illuminati, once upon a time I was one of these people! I have known the government are corrupt since I was a teenager I just did not realize they were as corrupt as they are. The first time someone explained the Illuminati to me was about 1996, I was 16 and I dismissed it as complete fantasy and bullshit. Our government and elite are worshiping the devil and practicing human sacrifice? And they are trying to take over the world with a new world order? RIDICULOUS!

As I got older and events like 911 and the war on terror started people began to see the corruption in our government, it was now 2006 and I get broadband fitted in my home for the first time, I love watching documentaries on almost any subject (except celebrities fashion and other stupid meaningless subject along the same lines).

As I am searching for documentaries to watch I keep noticing documentaries on the "New world order" and a couple on the "Illuminati" at first I take no notice, until one night I decide to watch a New world order documentary, at first I thought it was fear mongering BULLSHIT, but still interesting to watch. I did not really believe it but I wanted to know more about it.

After watching quite a few documentaries and videos I started reading on it, the more I read the more I was starting to believe it, the more you research Illuminati the more undeniable it becomes, After months/years of research I had finally WOKE UP, the Illuminati are real. When I first told people (my family and friends) they assume that I  must be losing the plot. Until some of them at least research it, they are now full blown "conspiracy theorists" most of my family and friends continue to dismiss it as lunacy, and I do understand their thinking! After all Illuminati was never taught or even mentioned at school, its never spoke about on T.V or in our newspapers but what these people fail to realize is the Illuminati are hidden in plain sight and embedded in our history.

The existence of the Illuminati is a fact, they did exist and still do exist as do many different secret societies like them, such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones and many others. These secret societies help hide the Illuminati and the highest ranking members of these secret societies are usually the "Illuminati".

Freemasons are historically link to the monarchy, Freemasonry has played and still plays an important role in the history of the British Empire and of the Royal family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) also known in the 20th century as the House of Windsor. Masons use infiltration, blackmail and financial rewards to get their way.

The internet is full of "proof of the Illuminati" and although some of it is wrong, some of it is right but the internet is not the best place to find proof of the Illuminati, the best place to look for proof of the Illuminati is the world! The worlds monarchies and aristocracy, all these Lords, dukes and ladies and other fancy titles they use to make themselves feel better than the rest of us. Look at the wealth distribution and the bank of England's secret owners, look at the federal reserve our debt is their profit.

If you do not believe in the Illuminati then PWTFU meaning Please Wake The Fuck Up, open your mind and do some real research, because the Illuminati is a fact, what the Illuminati are and what they do is debatable.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


The Express & Star is the biggest-selling regional evening newspaper in Great Britain. Founded in 1889, it is based in my hometown Wolverhampton, England, and it covers the West Midlands and Staffordshire, including the Black Country. The Express & Star is one of the few independent newspapers still operating in the UK, having been under the continuous ownership of the Graham family almost since its inception. It is owned by the Midland News Association (MNA), which also owns the Shropshire Star newspaper and many other newspapers in and around the West Midlands.

The Express and Star is a newspaper I can not stand to read, its full of propaganda like all mainstream media the Express and Star does a very good job in telling people what to think and a poor job of keeping people informed on local current events. In January 2012 the newspaper reported, Bailiffs recovered more than £30 million after councils sent them into homes and businesses in the West Midlands – visiting 100 people daily, it can be revealed, what the newspaper does not mention is the cruel intimidation tactics that these bailiffs use, where did they collect that money from? families, elderly people, and some of the poorest people in Great Britain.

Another example of the propaganda used by the Express and Star can be found on a Google search, if you search "benefit fraud Express and Star" Google shows 1,460,000 results, if you search "MPs expenses Express and Star" the Google search shows 124,000 results, over ten times as many reports on benefit fraud as on MPs expenses, despite the fact the cost of a case of benefit fraud could cost the tax payer hundreds a week and very rarely more than £10000 per year, where as the average cost of a single MP claiming tens of thousands per year for things like second homes, travelling costs, home maintenance, food, gardening and duck ponds on top of their £63000 per year salary is not reported as nowhere near as much .In 2007 - the last year for which figures are available - claims ranged from the lowest of £44,551 to the highest of £185,421. On average, each MP claimed £135,600.

Like all mainstream media the Express and Star also propagated the royal wedding, showing street celebrations and going on like the day and the royal family are important, I live in the West Midlands and most people I know did not and do not care one bit about the royal wedding, the royal baby or the royal family. I have not yet seen the Express and Star fight the NHS cuts and they report that Home Secretary Theresa May tells terrorists:You will not win, the wicked witch of Westminster wants our human rights, she uses terrorism as an excuse for this and the Express and Star propagate her agenda.

Surely the job of a local newspaper is to sometimes speak up for local people not to propagate government agendas and attack local people that are claiming benefits.

Monday, 23 September 2013


Back in 2001 my parents were running a successful building business, with 90 employers they were making a nice living from it. That was until illness brought on by the stress of running the business convinced my parents to down size and slowly give it up. My dad had a suspected brain hemorrhage and currently has arthritis, he can hardly walk, and my mum had a stroke leaving her slightly brain damaged with about 80% of her vision gone, she is classified as blind, though she does have limited vision that is expected to slowly worsen. 

Our customers were huge corporations like Taylor Woodrow now called Taylor Wimpy and Persimmon homes, in their traditional VULTURE style these companies seen the illnesses of my parents as an opportunity to with hold and avoid payments, owing my parents tens of thousands to this day. As the money started to run out they were advised by a company called mortgage and loans to put all the debt from their old house on to there new house, which they did, they then sold their old house, after selling the house a solicitor called GoldSmith Williams were supposed to put £80000 from the sale of the house in to my parents Lloyds TSB account, which they claim they did but Lloyds TSB claim they did not receive a payment from Goldsmith Williams, the £80000 has not been traced to this day and the financial ombudsman service has been a utter waste of time and as usual no help what so ever .

It was a huge blow financially for my parents but with illnesses and the case being so complex they did not fight for the money, my dad attempted to start working again, which he did for about 2 years, until his arthritis made working impossible, they started a new mortgage with a company called mortgages plc. Mortgages plc acting like thieves, exploited and taken advantage of my parents situation, my parents were paying a mortgage of £2500 per month but £2000 of it was covering the ridiculously high interest rates that Mortgages plc were charging, this huge mortgage put my parents in trouble and eventually they were in arrears.

In August 2013 my parents were evicted from a house they have worked their whole lives for, the judge did not even acknowledge that the interest were unfair and high, the judge simply evicted them and effectively made them homeless.

My parents are proud and did not fully explain the situation to me until April, so I decide to try and help them, and to say it is frustrating is a understatement, its a piss take, I have contacted the office of fair trading they pass me on to the national debt line, the national debt line inform me "that's the way banks operate in Britain" so far after a few weeks I have got nowhere but I am going to carry on this and keep record of whats happens on this blog, so watch out for part 2.


Sunday, 22 September 2013


Recently my website has been cyber attacked and taken offline by government offices, the British government do not like what I am saying.

My reach on Facebook has fallen massively despite the fact I have more likes than ever, a post of mine used to reach thousands of people easily now they struggle to reach 200 or 300, my posts do not appear on my followers homepages, my likes are not counted, Facebook obviously do not like what I am saying.

Youtube do not distrubute my newly posted videos, they do not allow my videos to be watched on mobile devices, they do not put my videos on ANY suggested or related videos, a Youtube videos of mine used to get thousands of views in the first week now they do not even reach 1000 after a month despite the fact I have 15000 subscribers, Youtube do not like what I am saying.

The results when Googleing WOLVOMAN80 used to be well over 500000, if you Google WOLVOMAN80 today you would probably get about 130000 meaning my results have been cut by nearly 75%. Google do not like what I am saying.

I must be scaring the shit out of some so called "powerful people" but in all reality these people are not powerful, they are scared, they are losing control and they are desperate to stop the truth from spreading. The inbreed monarchies, child labour using, tax evading corporations, the greedy banks, the puppet governments are losing control of the world and censoring criticism of themselves is all they have got? The "ILLUMINATI" do not seem so powerful now.

Jay Z, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber are NOT ILLUMINATI.

Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Drake, Lil Wayne and Justin Bieber are NOT ILLUMINATI! And Jay Z, Drake, 50 cent and nearly all other mainstream rappers do not represent black people, in fact they represent the elite to their young fan bases, black, white or brown. They teach them how to act, they pass political and social opinions to their young fan bases through their music. Nothing wrong with that at all, if the political and social opinions are their own, the problem is they are not. The messages in their music are messages they are ordered to pass on to their young fan bases by huge multi national corporations like Sony.

These musicians are merely puppets of the elite, even worse is the fact Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Drake are role models and hero's for millions of young black people around the world, they claim to represent black people, but they do not represent black people! In fact Jay Z, Drake, Lil Wayne suck rich white mans dicks, metaphorically speaking and literally (probably). They oppress and corrupt their young fans, instead of being positive role models with positive messages they promote gang violence and drugs, whats the reason for this? Because gang violence and drugs oppresses, it keeps the next generation shooting at each other in BULLSHIT so called gang wars instead of having a successful, prosperous life or having the sense to spot the real enemy. The real enemy is the establishment, its bad governing of the country that creates ghettos.

Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Drake are not gangsters, they are puppets, they do not "keep it real" they keep it full of BULLSHIT, if Jay Z were to "keep it real" he would be rapping about living a huge mansion paid for by acting like a pussy puppet and being a sex slave to his mannish looking dog of a wife, no offence meant to the so called O.G Jay Z, well maybe a bit.

Flattering these pricks by saying they are Illuminati is silly, it makes these self obsessed greedy people feel important and they are not, there are millions more from where they come from. They are puppets of the Illuminati that is very different to "being Illuminati." Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Justin Bieber, 50 cent, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Drake are bitches for the elite, they are the Illuminati's whores, Jay Z is big whoring and earning Gs not big pimping.

Surely its time to get rid of this mass produced mainstream shit that has saturated the music industry for a long time now, stop buying this shit, stop listening to it and stop making these sell out whores believe that they are something special when they are not.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

The GREED OF Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the founders and 16% owners of internet giant Google. As of 2013, Page's personal wealth is estimated to be US $20.3 billion, ranking him 13th on the Forbes 400, a list of the 400 richest Americans. In 2013 Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin's personal wealth was estimated to be $22.8 billion by Forbes making him the 21st richest man on the planet.

But like most billionaires the more money they get the greedier they become, in 2012 Google invested $18.2 billion dollars in to lobbying making them the 8th biggest government investors in the USA, money well spent because due to the super rich and huge multi national corporations like Google lobbying there are now so many loop holes in the tax system its easy for these billionaire corporations like Google, Amazon and Starbucks to avoid paying the huge tax bills that the middle and working classes are imprisoned for not paying.

The working classes pay as little as 20% and as much as 50% the super rich pay as little as 0% and as much as 5%, its a effective way to keep themselves rich and the rest of us poor, Google tax evasion has cost the American tax payer $3.1 billion dollars over a three year span, why else would the lobbyists lobby?

Google finances is not the only source of power Google have, Google also have control of information, they have information on its users even more disturbingly they have the power to chose what we read on Google news and even what we watch on Youtube, Google may not yet censor but even without full blown censorship they have the power to hide and slow the spread information, if Google do not like something like criticism of themselves for scandals like tax evasion and lobbying they can easily hide it and prevent millions from reading it. Google is a very dangerous and greedy company and the greed of Google is destroying the internet, they have already destroyed Youtube with ads and censor now they are destroying the whole internet and freedom of speech at the same time.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013



1. Mr Men, my oldest spent six weeks on Mr Men in her first year at high school.

2. Percy Jackson, that year she also spent six weeks on Percy Jackson.

3. And SUPERHEROS! 18 weeks of non education in one school year.

4. In sex education they played a game. in this "game" the teacher would say a word like "sex" and the children would have to shout other words that mean the same thing! words like "fuck" and "shag" were considered as right answers!

5. Indian dancing.

6. Egyptian dancing.

7. Slow dancing.

8. Alcohol is acceptable, Cannabis is not.

9. Evolution is FACT.

10. In GCSE science they teach of possible "rare side effects like swelling" to vaccines, they do not mention deaths, the GCSE science book also claimed that the vaccination prevents people that have not had the vaccination as long as enough people take the vaccination, the book offers no scientific proof of this claim and fails to explain how people that do not take the vaccination are protected against the disease.

11. I know a school in Birmingham that even punish children as young as six for taking more than two minutes in the toilet in class time!

12. The Royals are important, schools celebrate Royal events like the Diamond Jubilee and Royal wedding.

There are many more ridiculous things taught at our schools, if our government except the masses to continue using these schools they should make sure that these schools work in the interest of the students and not the interest of corporations and governments. For me school was mind numbingly boring, I believe school is more mind and thought control than education. It is not in the interest of the elite for the masses to be to intelligent because that will make us harder to control, this is deliberate dumbing down of the youth.

Monday, 9 September 2013


Mark Zuckerberg is the owner of Facebook, anyone that follows me on Facebook will already know that Facebook have been slowing the spread of information for a long time, anyone that reads the news will also know that documents leaked by the brave Edward Snowden have proven beyond doubt that Facebook spy on its users. The sleazy, greedy excuse for a man Mark Zuckerberg and his website, gather information about its users and sell them to the highest bidder.

Who buys information from Facebook? Corporations may buy information from Facebook in the hope that the information they buy could help improve advertising and therefore sales, and this sounds pretty harmless to most people. But, the trouble is Facebook have also been known to sell information to FBI, MI5, CIA and many other government run agencies meaning Mark Zuckerberg who's net worth is around $3.7 Billion dollars gets paid by the government, with money from the tax payer to spy on the tax payer!

Facebook could of been a great thing, it could of helped change the world of the better, its a brilliant way to spread a message, keep in touch with family and friends but like nearly everything on the internet greed is ruining it. Facebook is now blatantly censoring the internet, they censor anti government posts and pictures they even anti war posts! Why? Is it because Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg is paid by with tax payers money to censor messages that the government would not want you to read? I believe it is.

Time Magazine person of the year in 2010 actually profits from from hiding information from the masses and selling information on the masses, what a sleazy way to make a living, from a sleazy person. Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a corporate/government puppet, the man must have no sense of morals and a thirst for money.

The more this  tight-fisted puppet and his lame website censor my posts the more of these blogs and posts will be aimed at him, he has a right to disagree with the things I post but he has no right to hide what I or anyone else is saying.

Facebook are not the only ones Google, Youtube, Blip TV, Videobb, Amazon and many other sites have either removed my videos, links or both, I have been refused money I am owed and had my website was cyber attacked by the Department of work and pension office in Warrington, so I must be scaring some of these greedy, little cowards and i'm sorry but I aint going to stop now!

Friday, 6 September 2013


Great Britain and the USA insist that they must fight against oppressive governments in the Middle east and other parts of the world to protect our freedom, governments like Syria's Assad, North Korea's Kim Jong-il and Iran's Ali Khamenei are all judged as being oppressive, which they probably are. Yet USA and Great Britain support the oppression of Palestinian's by the Israeli government, they also support the oppressive Egyptian and Saudi Arabian governments.The British and American governments also judged the Gaddafi regime to be oppressive and violent, despite Libya having laws like free electricity, a mother who gives birth to a child receives U.S.$5,000, 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15 and a litre of petrol cost $0.14! All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family and Libya no homeless people until the recent bombings!

If Barrack Obama and David Cameron judged the Gaddafi regime to be oppressive they must surely judge their own governments to be oppressive. I live in Wolverhampton (an absolute dump and in 2009 voted the 5th worst city in the world behind Wolverhampton was Detroit Michigan,  Accra Ghana,  Seoul South Korea, and  Los Angeles, USA) and speaking from experience I can honestly say it does not surprise me, Wolverhampton city is a run down, oppressed dump! The youth in Wolverhampton are unemployed or working for benefits, crime is high, food bank and the Job center are always busy, the schools are terrible and rated as among the worst schools in Britain, in Wolverhampton oppression starts at a young age. Whitmore reans, Low hill and Heath town are terrible places to look at and to be. What action could our local government take to help the people in improve their city and lifestyles? Where should they spend the money that people pay in taxes? Surely spending on building new homes in run down areas would be a good start, or invest it in to our weak performing schools. Our government and Wolverhampton Council have better ideas than that! They decide to spend thousands on cars with cameras all over them, they then pay someone to drive around spying on people that live in Wolverhampton, why didn't I think of that.

The point to this blog is before our governments go fighting oppressive governments around the world they should stop being an oppressive, hypocritical government themselves. If our governments was as desperate to fight oppression in their own countries as they are in the Middle east I believe we would all benefit greatly.    


Theresa May, most of the British media and the conservative party have started an attack on human right laws, they use examples like Ten “highly dangerous” terror suspects were freed in 2004 after Law Lords ruled their detention without trial breached their human rights, An illegal immigrant from Bolivia was allowed to stay in the UK – because he had a cat and Terror suspect Abu Qatada and eight others were awarded £75,000 for a “breach” of their human rights in 2009. Judges in Strasbourg decided the British Government should never have held them without trial following the attacks on 9/11, saying it violated their right to liberty and security. Taken from the Sun.

Like most laws that we have in Britain Human right laws are not perfect but they are important, there is no doubt that sometimes they do benefit the wrong people but most of the biased corporation controlled mainstream media fail to mention that most of the time human right laws DO protect the right people unlike the corporation controlled British government who bail out banks and allow billion pound corporations huge tax breaks and even free labor paid for by the taxpayer on workfare! which of the human right laws would  Theresa May like to get rid off?  Freedom of expression and conscience? or is it the Right to personal liberty that pisses her off? or no arbitrary searches or seizures? The British media, the American government and the British government have done more harm to this country and the world than Abu Qatada or any terrorist I can think of, the British and American governments kill hundreds of thousand of people in Iraq, and then the British media and the sheeple  have the nerve to moan about Iraqi refuges and immigrants for hating Britain, WAKE UP BRITAIN AND USA, if Iraqi soldiers come to our countries and destroyed our cities, kill our children and steal our natural resources we would hate them to, unfortunately most people in Britain are still failing to see the real terrorist of the world.

Even if Abu Qatada is the dangerous terrorist that our government and media tell us that he is than taking human rights from the whole of Great Britain just because of a very small amount of people would be letting the terrorist’s take our freedom and therefore a sure sign the terrorist are winning the war on terror, but I believe The Sun newspaper, most other sections of the corrupt British media and the British government are attacking human right laws, they are using terrorism as an excuse to weaken human rights. So FUCK THE RACIST PROPAGANDA FILLED SUN Newspaper, Rupert Murdoch, News Corp, David Cameron, Theresa May and FUCK anyone that is stupid enough to believe the BS and biased propaganda they talk, to the people that do believe this BULLSHIT, to whom I say this, learn your lessons from history, you all thought Jimmy Saville was a generous old man because the British media told you he was despite the fact that most of the media knew what Jimmy Saville was like, you also believed there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yet the only WMD’s I see are the weapons of mass detraction that are being used by the British Media and most of the British people!

Thursday, 5 September 2013


I have a few questions about your proposed attacks on Syria. As everyone knows killing children is probably the most evil crime and sin any man can commit, so John Kerry getting upset about the chemical attacks that killed over one thousand people, including hundreds of children in Syria is understandable and I am sure that there are not a lot of people in the world that disagree with Obama when he said the world should not stand for chemical attacks on innocent civilians.

What I would like to know is, how come John Kerry does not get so emotional about murders committed by the American government? Why did you (Barrack Obama) and John Kerry both talk against the war on Iraq but now both support a war on Syria?

Why do you and Kerry believe it is acceptable to murder innocent civilians, destroy lives, cities and towns with drones but not chemical weapons? Should the world stand for drone attacks from the American government, or is it just the chemical attacks that should irritate us? If Assad used drones would you still intervene and why?

Which government has killed more innocent people in the last ten years the American government or the  Syrian government? How come the American government never even considered intervening in Egypt when the Egyptian government started killing protesters? How come watching children die from these chemical attacks hurt you so much but watch thousands of children die everyday from poverty related causes does not bother you the same way and does not seem to be a priority to you?

How many corporations, banks and oil companies will profit from a war with Syria? How many corporations will profit from a war on poverty?


Tuesday, 3 September 2013


As most people know youtube is now owned by Google and Google seem to be on a mission to destroy youtube, the internet, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Google evidently do not like my videos, they make them nearly impossible to find and they do not show on any suggested video lists. Why do Google not like my videos? Is it because they are cheaply made? or do Google think they spread hate? or is it more cynical, like they are paid to remove criticisms of certain corporations and government institutions, are Google paid by governments to slow the spread of information? If so that's illegal, even greedy billionaire corporations like Google are obliged to follow the law and by removing this information or deliberately making the information hard to access Google are breaking the law.

Our hypocritical government have in the past criticized censorship in countries like Russia, China and North Korea, but know they are choosing to follow suit, Our hypocritical government claim we must fight the war on terror to protect our freedom yet the only people that I see attacking our freedom is our corrupt governments and monarchies and our corrupt, greedy corporations and banks.

Google are destroying the internet with their greed and their will to make as much cash as possible, Vevo has ruined music videos, advertisements slow down loading times and keep people waiting as Google collects information in an attempt to advertise things to you that are relevant to you, eg. if you have been searching the internet for Disney DVDs chances are next time you use youtube a link to buy Disney DVDs will probably show. They also find your location to advertise local businesses to you, all sounds OK and fair until you discover that the video makers are not paid for these adverts, Google, BBC, Sony and other huge multi national corporations are paid, even for videos they do not own and have no legal right to.

Google use their power online to choose what you read and watch, how else do you think Kony 2012 got over 10 million views on its first few days? The answer is simple the answer is because our government, media and corporations wanted you to watch that bullshit, to help give them a green light for an attack on Uganda, unfortunately for them the propaganda was so blatant they failed.  

The greed of Google is killing the internet.