Saturday, 11 January 2014


Recently in a "discussion" with a 31 year old woman that has not worked a full year since leaving school and has not had a job at all since she was 18, I was told to "get a job and support my family" I worked as part of a family business that was ripped off by corporations and banks to this day my parents are owed hundreds of thousands of pounds by these businesses, I have tried to chase the money for them as they have both been ill recently but despite the fact I contacted the Financial Ombudsman, Office of fair trading and many other places nobody could help us. I am also owed a huge sum of money from Youtube who are refusing to acknowledge that I exist, as Youtube continue ignoring EVERY email I send them they owe me tens of thousands for my 14 million views on the slowly being destroyed Youtube.

To be told to get a job by someone that no offence to them, but done absolutely FUCK ALL with their lives is slightly offensive to me, actually change the word slightly with FUCKING! But this is a huge part of the problem with Great Britain, people interfering with others, I like what I do and despite the fact that short sighted idiots with no ambition in life, no imagination and probably no soul don't like it, does not bother me at all, I didn't ask for your opinion and the reason that I don't ask for your opinion is because I do not care what you think or how you think I should be living my life.

I end up in arguments everywhere I go, even with my own family, I sometimes think to myself "is it them or me? it must be me." Does the fact I don't run around for between eight to ten hours per day, five days per week, for some billionaire/millionaire to pay me fuck all when they go on holidays around the world and drive in cars more expensive then my house makes me a bad person that does not care for my family?

The fact that I am trying to do something different from a 9 to 5 job makes me evil? Just because you don't understand my logic does not mean that it is wrong! It could however mean that you are to stupid to understand what I am talking about, which is OK, you don't necessarily need to know, understand, agree or like, what I am talking about,  you just need to STOP CRITICIZING WHAT I DO and the fact that you have never taken time to look at what I do means that you should STFU and get back to watching that box in the corner of your room.

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