Some people claim that Britain is a free country, despite our prisons being full of minor drug offenders, cannabis growers and smokers, people that failed to pay taxes and many other small crimes and offences. Since when does a free country tell people what they can and cannot wear? Since when does a free country force people to work just to receive the tiny amount of benefit that they need to survive.
If you do not like Burqa's don't wear a Burqa, if you do not like cannabis don't smoke it, if you think that life on benefits is easy quit your job and live your life on benefits! When are people going to stop obsessing with what others are doing and concentrate on their own miserable lives, because lets be honest that is the root of the problem, you don't hate Burqa's, weed smokers, Muslims, Black people or benefit scroungers, you hate your miserable lives, your dead end jobs and the endless bills. You hate whoever the media point at for you to blame for the mess that is your life and the media point at everyone other than themselves, governments, corrupt tax evading child labour using corporations and bankers and you fall for there lies, so the only person that you can blame and hate is yourself!
People spend to much time obsessing like jealous school girls with what other people are doing or what they are getting and almost no time at all worrying about what people are not getting and that is one of the main reasons that we are in this mess, we bicker and argue with each other and the real enemy watches us destroy each other while they use the media to direct and control us.
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