Friday 7 November 2014


Google and other multi national corporations are illegally profiting from my work! They use ridiculous false claims as an excuse to not allow me to advertise on my own videos, Google then places its own ads on my work and share the profit out with other huge multi national corporations, corporations like Sony as Sony claim they own PUBLIC DOMAIN songs that were written in the 18th century!

Google are forcing me and my four children to live in poverty on benefits when they are making tens of thousands of pounds on my videos.

Google have been advertising on my videos for over three years in that time I have received over 15 million views on my main channel, they believe they owe me $108 that means Google pay me $0.0000058 per view despite their ads paying them as much as $1.50 per ad! 

If I made videos of people falling over or talked shit about talent-less celebs, I would have been paid by now. I bet Google pay Pat Condell, Info wars, Mark Dice and other so called truthers and free thinkers, so why not me? Is it because I am not backed or signed by to a sickening greedy multinational corporation? Do Google believe I promote hate, fear and lies? Are Google trying to protect war criminals, corrupt governments and powerful hierarchies? Or do Google just disagree? 

I do not care for the money and at least people can't say "I only do it for money." but that money belongs to my children, not Google, Sony or anybody else.

Below are some ridiculous, illegal and false claims put in on my videos by lying, greedy corporations, they are looting from the internet. 


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  3. Good work that I've referenced here in vain attempts to get law enforcement to move on these qabalist pedophile bastards from hell:
    International Google (pronounced Joo-Gall) Racketeering, Pedophile and Theft Ring!
    Please leave a comment/make contact if you're willing to do a SKYPE interview on this! (These bastards just killed my shepard!)

    Note Swedish & UK flags falling at their fav:9/11! NOT coincidence!

    Their US/Euro plan put in your face 3 times: demonic jews Hate white goyim!

    Backup this comment as JewGall is deleting my comments!

    If the channel is deleted by JooGall see:
    CensoredByracistJews(cloud drive)

    Love/Regards from Cal/USA,
