Tuesday, 1 October 2013


To be a corporate whore or not to be a corporate whore, that is the question for Ed Miliband and the Labour party. Although to most people this seems easy to say not to be a corporate whore Ed Miliband and the Labour party know that if they do not bow down to corporations and the corporate media they will be attacked by almost ALL media in Britain and this could cost them the election and allow the conservative party another 5 years in power. If the Labour party do bow down to the corporate media in order to gain the support from them Ed Miliband will become another puppet of the corporate media and we will end up with a Labour similar to Tony Blair's new Labour, they will be more conservative then Labour.

Ed Miliband claims he wants to bring back socialism to Great Britain, the corporate media, the banks and the corporations will not want to bring back socialism or anything like it to Britain because if they do the corporate media, the banks and the corporations are going to lose money and power. Another question is how can Great Britain be a socialist and have a hierarchy and hereditary monarchy? Surely a hierarchy and hereditary monarchies are anti socialist aren't they? So Ed Miliband will probably never bring socialism to Britain, unless he is willing to do what no high powered politician would ever do and question the role of the monarchy in Britain and upset the corporate media, the banks and the super rich.

Labour became embroiled in a row after the shadow immigration minister, Chris Bryant, told newspapers that he would criticize Tesco and Next for favouring foreign workers over Britons. But just hours before he was due to give a keynote speech, Bryant was forced to retreat from his case and later stated Tesco and Next firms actually "often go the extra mile" to employ British workers, but can find it difficult to get local staff. Is this one of the first times that Ed Miliband's Labour have opted for the corporate whore option? look like it to me.Why are they so scared to criticize Tesco and Next? And why not mention the fact that these companies pay lame wages, in dead end jobs and get cheap labour through work for benefit schemes like workfare? Why don't Labour man up and attack the fact these corporations that make billions every year use child labour and pay as little as 7 pence per hour?

Do Labour really think that people are going to vote them when they are clearly scared to upset tax evading corporations? Labour need to "grow a pair" and not be afraid to upset and criticize the corporations, corporate media and the bankers, the scumbag disabled attacking, racist royal and Tory propaganda filled Daily mail reported that Ed Miliband's dad hated Britain, they went with the headline. The man who hated Britain: Red Ed's pledge to bring back socialism is a homage to his Marxist father. So what did Miliband Snr really believe in? The answer should disturb everyone who loves this country.

Nothing more then the usual fear mongering, Tory propaganda that the racist, snobbish, hate filled Daily mail spew at us on a daily basis, Ed Miliband has to forget about impressing the corporate media. In fact the more the corporate media attack him the better, as long as the people in Great Britain are not so stupid they can not see that this is nothing more then CORPORATE PROPAGANDA.

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