Monday, 30 September 2013


George Osborne day announced plans to force long term unemployed people to do community service or risk losing their benefits! Community service is and has been used as a punishment for criminals in Britain for many years, meaning George Osborne and the Conservative party obviously believe that the unemployed are as bad as criminals? but surely still nowhere near as bad as Tories.

What do our government want people to do for their already measly benefits? measly benefits I hear the God save the queeners, Sun readers and conformists shouting with anger in their ignorant and loud voices, but people should remember that benefits are as low as £59 per week for some people, what are the government going to do? starve them to death for not doing community service? And to the God save the queeners, Sun readers and conformists that are angry about these benefits and feeling that people are living lives of luxury from benefits, why don't you quit your jobs and live that "life of luxury" if its so easy? Didn't think so, well STFU then.

Just because people either do not want or are not capable of fitting in to your oppressive, corrupt, aristocratic, imperialistic system does not mean they deserve to starve or not be able to provide decent homes and food for their families. If our government was doing their jobs properly they would be pressuring billion pound corporations like Google, Amazon, Vodafone and the many others for the huge tax bills that these corporations owe, that is what these changes to the benefit system is really about.

Our government are not chasing these tax bills simply because these tax bills are owed to them by the super rich, the puppet masters. Our government are so weak and scared of upsetting these people that they go after the weak, the sick, the poor and the disabled instead, like a bully in the school playground they are scared to fight someone their own size.

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