Monday, 25 November 2013


Conspiracy theorists are very often labeled as paranoid lunatics, radicals and dangerous trouble makers that are a threat to national security. There is not doubt that conspiracy theorists are sometimes paranoid, the explanation to why they are paranoid is simple, we are brainwashed by teachers, television, newspapers and the government in to thinking our countries are the hero's, fighting for freedom world wide, defending the world from oppressive governments, criminals and evil dictators.

What a shock we have when or if we discover that our government are not the heroic freedom fighters the media portrays us to be. Most people stay in the fake world of propaganda, propaganda on the news in our papers and even in our movies, these people are perfect, that's how they want the masses. Some people however do start to question things and look for answers, questions like, do we really need kill hundreds of thousands Iraqi's? Why do we always fight wars that are profitable? Why are certain individuals richer than certain nations? Are we really the brave heroic freedom fighters the media, entertainment industry and government hype us up to be?

When we start looking for answers and we see that we are not only not the heroic freedom fighters we are portrayed to be, but we are in fact represented by greedy, corrupt politicians that are controlled by lobbying, profit and the corporate media. Once you have seen that our government are capable of mass murder for profit and we are not the freedom fighters that we thought they were, its obviously going to make "conspiracy theorists" question everything, this can be interpreted by the ignorant as paranoia but realistically its more a lack of trust brought on by the greed, lies and corruption of our politicians and the poverty and oppression we witness every day.

That explains why some conspiracy theorists are paranoid, now what about the paranoia of our government and corporate media, paranoia like "Saddam Hussein has WMDs!" and "Al-Qaeda have homes built in the mountains of Afghanistan" and "terrorist use C.O.D to plan real attacks" who are the mental, paranoid, lunatics now?

The government and corporate media are so paranoid they believe that huge amounts of people on incapacity are pretending to be ill in order to rip the government off, they spy on us when we use Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and search the web, they want to know about every penny we earn, where we work, what we watch, download and listen to, because no matter what we watch, download and listen to, they must know, they must be paid, either we buy the product or we watch them try to sell use an alternative product with there adverts that are taking over Youtube and the rest of internet. They employ spies like MI5, FBI and CIA and spy on there own people

They censor the web of information that shows them for what they are, this censorship is caused through the paranoia and the fear of the establishment, the establishment fear that they may lose their wealth, power, control and protection, is that the cause of the PARANOIA OF THE GOVERNMENT?

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