WOLVOMAN80 SENT; An issue of non payment effects nearly every video I have. Google are not allowing me to collect any payment on my most popular videos, I understand that SOME of these videos do contain music that is copyright protected therefore I understand that Google might collect royalties for third parties, but I am still entitled to some payment at the moment Google are paying me at the rate of 0.0000053 cents per view despite ads. Social Blade estimates my top 30 vids have earned £60000. Need payment plz.
YOUTUBE SEND AUTOMATED MESSAGE; Thanks for contacting YouTube! We've received your support request, and a member of our team will respond to you shortly. In the meantime, for additional YouTube Support options, please visithttps://support.google.com/you
The YouTube Support Team.
Hello Michael,
Advertising revenue is based on a number of factors and may not be directly correlated to video views. These factors include advertiser bidding, advertising availability and advertiser demand for your videos.
As YouTube continues to welcome more monetized videos into the mix, we want to be as transparent as possible and help you understand that there will be fluctuation in the revenue earned by those videos.
* Advertising is both seasonal and flighted. This means, for example, that the Holiday season (November and December) are times of the year when there is tremendous investment in advertising and January and February tend to be lighter months. We've also noticed that when times are lean, businesses often cut their marketing budgets, and fewer ads are available.
* There are different ad formats that will run on your *watch pages* (we call any page that a video is watched on, a *watch page*) and each of those ad formats carries a different CPM (cost per thousand impressions.) For example, when you see the overlay running on the actual video, that is called the YouTube InVideo ad and advertisers pay a nice hefty CPM for that unit. When there is not an InVideo ad sold, then you will only see the square ad to the right of the video. We call that a 300x250 (the dimensions of the ad) and when you see that, and no InVideo - you can assume that the CPM is much lower.
* Your net revenue is dependent on several things, including which ad format appears, what the advertiser paid, and the amount of times your video was viewed. In addition, the geographic location of your viewers/audience will impact your net revenue. We're steadily expanding the InVideo ad format internationally, and this format generates the most revenue for you.
It will be a little tricky in the beginning to gauge what your payment will be each month. You have to keep in mind that on the other side there has to be an advertiser with interest in advertising on your content and it'll take a little time to build the interest. If you are curious about how we present the opportunities, you can check out www.youtube.com/advertise to see how the Google sales team approaches selling.
Keep creating the content and we'll keep at it from our side.
* Advertising is both seasonal and flighted. This means, for example, that the Holiday season (November and December) are times of the year when there is tremendous investment in advertising and January and February tend to be lighter months. We've also noticed that when times are lean, businesses often cut their marketing budgets, and fewer ads are available.
* There are different ad formats that will run on your *watch pages* (we call any page that a video is watched on, a *watch page*) and each of those ad formats carries a different CPM (cost per thousand impressions.) For example, when you see the overlay running on the actual video, that is called the YouTube InVideo ad and advertisers pay a nice hefty CPM for that unit. When there is not an InVideo ad sold, then you will only see the square ad to the right of the video. We call that a 300x250 (the dimensions of the ad) and when you see that, and no InVideo - you can assume that the CPM is much lower.
* Your net revenue is dependent on several things, including which ad format appears, what the advertiser paid, and the amount of times your video was viewed. In addition, the geographic location of your viewers/audience will impact your net revenue. We're steadily expanding the InVideo ad format internationally, and this format generates the most revenue for you.
It will be a little tricky in the beginning to gauge what your payment will be each month. You have to keep in mind that on the other side there has to be an advertiser with interest in advertising on your content and it'll take a little time to build the interest. If you are curious about how we present the opportunities, you can check out www.youtube.com/advertise to see how the Google sales team approaches selling.
Keep creating the content and we'll keep at it from our side.
The YouTube Team
WOLVOMAN80 SENT; That does not even come close to helping me.
WOLVOMAN80 SENT; YouTube owe me over £60000 (according to social blade) why are YouTube not allowing me to advertise on videos that I have made? Even worse, they ARE allowing other businesses to advertise and not paying me a penny! HELP.
YOUTUBE REPLY; Please only refer to your YouTube Analytics for estimated earnings report. For more information about this, please visit: https://support.google.com/ youtube/answer/1714384?hl=en& ref_topic=3029002
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Last year just before Christmas my stats on YouTube showed that you owed me $13000 only to go down to zero a couple of days later!
The YouTube Team
WOLVOMAN80 SENT; That does not even come close to helping me.
WOLVOMAN80 SENT; YouTube owe me over £60000 (according to social blade) why are YouTube not allowing me to advertise on videos that I have made? Even worse, they ARE allowing other businesses to advertise and not paying me a penny! HELP.
YOUTUBE REPLY; Please only refer to your YouTube Analytics for estimated earnings report. For more information about this, please visit: https://support.google.com/
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Last year just before Christmas my stats on YouTube showed that you owed me $13000 only to go down to zero a couple of days later!
I DECIDE TO TRY BEGINNING THE WHOLE PROCEDURE AGAIN, AND START A NEW COMPLAINT, IS SEND; Last year (2013) just before Christmas my stats on YouTube showed that YouTube owed me $13000 only to go down to zero a couple of days later! Nearly 16 million views with ads! How much have YouTube/Google made from my videos?
YOUTUBE SEND AUTOMATED MESSAGE; Thanks for contacting YouTube! We've received your support request, and a member of our team will respond to you shortly. In the meantime, for additional YouTube Support options, please visithttps://support.google.com/you tube/answer/3545535?hl=en.
Your original query has been dealt with by the Partner Support team. Please refer back to our previous emails (case # 5-3531000005549), and carefully follow the instructions provided.
Should you have any additional queries regarding this matter, we encourage you to explore the available resources in the YouTube Help Center at: http://support.google.com/ youtube/ which contain related articles in a variety of topics.
Should you have any additional queries regarding this matter, we encourage you to explore the available resources in the YouTube Help Center at: http://support.google.com/
The YouTube Team
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; It will be dealt with when I am paid.
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; BTW These conversations are being kept and (maybe) used in a video on YouTube to show/expose how useful/helpful YOUTUBE support team ARE!
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; I am owed at least £50000. And my solicitor has advised me to request a list of YouTube's full earnings from my videos, so I am making that request now. Send me a breakdown please.
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; It will be dealt with when I am paid.
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; BTW These conversations are being kept and (maybe) used in a video on YouTube to show/expose how useful/helpful YOUTUBE support team ARE!
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; I am owed at least £50000. And my solicitor has advised me to request a list of YouTube's full earnings from my videos, so I am making that request now. Send me a breakdown please.
I also send YouTube a picture of my videos earning stats, the image clearly shows that YouTube paid me NOTHING for the first two years despite my channel peaking at 30000 views per day. The image also shows that despite millions of views my most viewed videos have paid me nothing, despite ads on every one of them!
YOUTUBE REPLY; Again, your YouTube Analytics shows you estimated earnings.
YOUTUBE REPLY; Again, your YouTube Analytics shows you estimated earnings.
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Again, and as illustrated in the image I sent you, your silly and completely inaccurate stats are not counting any profit for any of my top videos. Again last year they showed $13000 only to go back down to zero the next day and again can I have a breakdown of the earnings that YOUTUBE (NOT ME) have made from advertising on my videos please?
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1duTbJzQ8_E This video will explain. I have others if you are still confused. (The link is a video describing how I am being ripped off and profited from by Google.)
Next day WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Why am I being ignored? Is this how you treat all YouTube partners? Why do Google think they have the right to make thousands and pay me nothing for my work?
3 days later WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; http://wolvoman80.blogspot.co. uk/2014/12/i-am-youtube- partner-part-1.html
WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Next day WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Why am I being ignored? Is this how you treat all YouTube partners? Why do Google think they have the right to make thousands and pay me nothing for my work?
3 days later WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; http://wolvoman80.blogspot.co.
Have a butchers at that. (The link is a blog about my delightful experience of talking to YouTube)
3 days later WOLVOMAN80 SENDS; Is that all the assistance that you are going to offer me? And do you stand by your conclusion that the video views and the estimated earning are correct?
I am again ignored by my "partners" at YouTube.
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