Monday, 2 September 2013


Most people that watch the news would now agree that the mainstream media is corrupt, the Leveson inquiry helped expose secret meetings and secret deals between the Conservative party and News Corporation, this was the reason that News Corporation backed and propagated David Cameron's election campaign. The vast majority of our media comes from six huge multi national corporations listed here

Despite scandals and facts like this the mainstream media then have the nerve to suggest that online bloggers, blogging anonymously are dangerous and a threat to society, the media claim they spread fear, hate and lies, and I have no doubt that sometimes they do. However I doubt very much that they spread as much fear, hate and lies as the mainstream media do and if people trusted the media people would not have to look else where for information. 

The mainstream media insist that conspiracy theories are dangerous, and again this can be true, for example, the conspiracy theories and lies printed by our mainstream media regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis, conspiracy theories online are not streamed in to millions of households every night, unlike the lies and "conspiracy theories" of our mainstream media.

What the mainstream media either fail or do not want to see is, its not the online "conspiracy theories" that is dangerous, the massive lack of trust in our media and government is the real threat. They lie so much that anyone with an I.Q above twenty would have to question them, all these lies and all this propaganda has led to a massive lack of trust in our media and government, the trouble is, our media and government is the only place that we can get our information from, and surely any half intelligent person would say to themselves "If they would lie about Iraq like they did, they would probably do the same with Syria, Iran or wherever they decide to attack next" the corrupt mainstream media have helped what they call "conspiracy theorists" but others call them "truthers" get recognition. An alternative voice in a world of corporate media can only be good, if you like what they are saying or not.

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