Tuesday, 2 July 2013


This is a simple test simple, answer the questions honestly and add the numbers shown before the title of your selection.

1. Pick your favorite TV show from the following……..

5. The only way is Essex

4. The X factor

3. Dr Who

2. The news

1. Dispatches or Panorama

2. Favorite kids movie from the following……..

5. High school musical

4. Bratz the movie

3. Shrek

2. Lion the witch and the wardrobe

1. Animal farm

3. Favorite Genre from the following………

5. Gossip and Celebrity news

4. Soap opera

3. Comedy

2. Sci-fi

1. Documentary/factual

4. Favorite Actor/Actress from the following.

5. Miley Cyrus

4. Adam Sandler

3. Jim Carey

2. Tom Hanks

1. Robert De Niro

5. Favorite TV personality from the following……

5.  Simon Cowell

4. Jeremy Kyle

3. Gordon Ramsey

2. Jeremy Paxman

1. Stephan Fry

6. Favorite TV quiz show from the following……..

5. Take me out

4. Family fortunes

3. Who wants to be a millionaire

2. Q.I

1. Eggheads

7. Favorite TV comedies from the following………

5. Are you being served?

4. Mr Bean

3. My name is Earl

2. The Office

1.  South Park

How did you score on this stupid test?

If you scored 35 to 30 you are very stupid indeed and probably a danger to yourself!

29 to 20 pretty stupid.

19 to 15 not to bad but could be better.

15 to 11 pretty smart.

10 to 7 Congratulations judging by your choices you watch good thought provoking TV.

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