Tesco has to be one of the most corrupt corporations in Britain and in the whole world! Recently Tesco and other supermarkets have been caught serving horse meat as beef, horse meat was found in “Beef burgers” and some of Tesco’s own brand of ready meals, this has shocked and outraged many people, i don’t really understand why they are so surprised. Tesco have proven many times they do not care about human rights, Tesco (like many other corporations) use child labor and exploitation in third world countries paying as little as 7 pence per hour, Tax avoidance, and the price fixing on dairy products, bread and other essentials make Tesco one of the biggest rip offs in Britain. Even worse the fact they pay tiny amounts of tax and use child labor it makes it very hard for small local businesses to compete with them, Tesco destroy local markets and businesses, they only create unskilled, low paid, tedious jobs and pay minimum wage, they make billions but the government still insist on sending the unemployed youth of Britain working for Tesco just to receive their benefits at no cost to Tesco as its all funded for by the taxpayer.
Who are the real fools here? People always say to me, “you can’t change the system” and my answer is “you can try and if you fail who cares? as long as you have managed to piss them off and show them up for the corrupt fools they are.” In my opinion Tesco customers are the real fools, Tesco would change their ways tomorrow if they thought they were going to lose money because there is one thing Tesco do care for, and that is money! If you are against animal cruelty, child labor, work for benefits, and corporate tax avoidance than you should NOT shop at Tesco, Wal-mart, ( known as Asda in Britain) or pretty much any of the big British supermarket’s. It is surely time to go back to your local markets and shops and always remember there is a very high cost to low price supermarkets.
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